“Direct and moderating effects
of public R&D support on external knowledge acquisition: the interaction
with performance feedback” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya)
Industry and Innovation, forthcoming. 2024
“Catch me if you can: a simulation model of the
internationalization of digital platforms” (with Mauro Guillén and Borja Ponte)
Information and Organization. 34 (1), 100501. 2024.
“Walking on thin ice: CEOs′
internationalization decisions in underperforming firms” (with
Raquel García-García and Mauro Guillén)
Long Range Planning, 55 (5), 102243. 2022.
“Litigations with the home
State and internationalization” (with Laura Fernández-Mendez
and Raquel García-García)
Multinational Business Review, 30 (3), 343-363. 2022.
“Innovation Performance
Feedback and Technological Alliance Portfolio Diversity: The Moderating Role of
Firms’ R&D Intensity” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya)
Research Policy, 50(9), 104321. 2021.
“Entry mode choice in emerging
markets: is there any difference between emerging and developed country
multinationals?” (with Ana Valdés Llaneza
and Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
European Journal of International
Management 15 (4), 539-563. 2021
“International Dispersion and
Profitability: An Institution-Based Approach” (with Raquel García-García and Mauro Guillén)
Management International Review, 59, 855–888. 2019.
“Power transitions in the host country and the
survival of subsidiaries in infrastructure industries” (with Laura Fernández-Mendez and Mauro Guillén)
Global Strategy Journal, 9 (2), 275-302. 2019.
“Learning from giants: Early
exposure to advance markets in the growth and internationalisation
of Spanish health care corporations in the twentieth century” (with
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Nuria
Puig, and Mauro Guillén)
Business History, 61 (3), 404-428. 2019.
“Imprinting and early exposure to developed
international markets: The case of the new multinationals” (with MF Guillén, P Fernández, N Puig)
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 21 (3), 141-152. 2018.
“Domestic Political Connections
and International Expansion: It's Not Only 'Who You Know' That Matters”
(with Laura Fernández-Mendez and Mauro Guillén)
Journal of World Business, 53(5), 695-711. 2018.
“Location, shared suppliers and the innovation
performance of R&D outsourcing agreements” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya)
Industry and Innovation 25 (3), pp. 308-332. 2018
Universia Business
Review, 61, pp. 60-107. 2017.
“Speed of internationalization and long-term
performance: The knowledge link” (with Raquel García-García
and Mauro Guillén)
Journal of World Business, 52( 1), pp. 97-110. 2017
“The framing of knowledge
transfers to shared R&D suppliers and its impact on innovation performance:
a regulatory focus perspective” (with Andres Martínez‐Noya)
R&D Management, 46( 2), pp. 354-368. 2016
“The devil you know? A review
of the literature on the impact of prior ties on strategic alliances”
(with Ana Valdés-Llaneza)
Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 13(3), pp.334-358. 2015.
“Legal family and infrastructure voids as drivers of
regulated physical infrastructure firms’ exposure to governmental discretion”
(with Laura Fernández Mendez, and Mauro F. Guillén)
Journal of International Management, 21(2), pp. 135-149. 2015.
“International evidence on
R&D services outsourcing practices by technological firms” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya)
Multinational Business Review 22 (4). 2014
“Contractual Form in Repeated Alliances with the Same
Partner: The Role of Inter-organizational Routines” (with Ana Valdés
Llaneza and Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30, pp. 51-64. 2014.
“R&D outsourcing and the effectiveness of
intangible investments: Is proprietary core knowledge walking out the door?”
(with Andrea Martínez-Noya and Mauro Guillén)
Journal of Management Studies, 50(1), pp. 67-91. 2013.
“Family character and
international entrepreneurship: A historical comparison of Italian and Spanish
‘new multinationals.” (with Andrea Colli
and Mauro Guillén)
Business History special issue on “Entrepreneurship: Contexts,
Opportunities and Processes”, 55(1), pp. 119-138. 2013.
“The international expansion of Spanish firms:
Strengths and weaknesses”
SEFO - Spanish Economic and Financial
Outlook. FUNCAS, 2(6),
pp. 63-74. 2013.
“Speed of ICT integration strategies in absorptions:
Insights from a qualitative study” (with Alex Rialp
and Josep Rialp)
European Management Journal, 31, pp. 295-307. 2013.
“Policy hazards, opportunism
and the stock market reaction to the international expansion of telecom firms” (with Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
European Journal of International
Management, 7 (6), pp. 719-741. 2013.
“When and how previous
experience affects the stock market reaction to business combinations”
(with Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and
Management 2 (3-4), 319-343, 2012
“Execution as strategy”
(with Mauro Guillén)
Harvard Business Review, 90 (10), pp. 103-107. 2012. Alternative link.
“International R&D service outsourcing by
technology-intensive firms: Whether and where?” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya
and Mauro Guillén)
Journal of International Management, 18, pp. 18-37. 2012.
“Technological Capabilities
and the Decision to Outsource R&D Services” (with Andrea Martínez-Noya)
International Business Review, 20 (3), pp. 264-277. 2011.
“How to Conquer New Markets
with Old Skills”, (with Mauro Guillén)
Harvard Business Review, 88 (11), pp. 118-122. 2010.
“The American Model of the Multinational Firm and the
"New" Multinationals From Emerging Economies”, (with Mauro
Academy of Management Perspectives, vol. 23 (2), pp. 23-35, 2009.
“Risk and the strategy of
foreign location choice”, (with Mauro Guillén)
Strategic Management Journal, vol. 29 (10), pp. 1097-1115, 2008.
“Technological flows and the choice of joint ventures
in technology alliances”, (with Pablo Sánchez Lorda
and Ana Valdés Llaneza)
Research Policy, vol. 37, pp. 97-114, 2008.
“The stock market reaction to foreign direct investments: The interaction
between the entry mode and the FDI`s attributes” (with Cristina López
Management International Review, vol. 47, nº 3, pp. 393-422, 2007.
“One more only if it is one of us. The number of
partners and the stock market reaction to alliance formation” (with Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
International Business Review, vol. 16, pp. 83-108, 2007.
“Direct Competition, Number of Partners and Longevity of Stakes in Joint
Ventures” (with Ana
Valdés Llaneza)
Management International Review, vol. 46, nº 3, pp. 307-326, 2006.
for external resources, entry order, and the stock market reaction to alliances
and acquisitions” (with
Pablo Sánchez Lorda)
Management Research, vol. 3, nº 3, pp. 189-207, 2005.
and leverage as drivers of the stock market reaction to global alliance
formation” (with
Marta Vidal Suárez)
Long Range Planning, vol. 36, nº 6, pp. 565-578, 2003.
“Effectiveness of dyadic and multi-party joint ventures” (with África Ariño Martín and Ana Valdés Llaneza)
Organization Studies, vol. 24, nº 5, pp. 743-770, 2003.
“Adverse Selection and the Choice between Joint-Ventures and
Acquisitions: Evidence from Spanish Firms” (with Cristina López
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics (JITE), vol. 158
(2), pp. 304-324, 2002.
“Accelerating international expansion through global alliances: A
typology of cooperative strategies” (with Cristina López
Duarte, Josep Rialp and Ana
Valdés Llaneza)
Journal of World Business, vol. 37, pp. 91-107, 2002.
“Time compression diseconomies in accelerated global alliances” (with Cristina López
Duarte, Josep Rialp and Ana
Valdés Llaneza)
Management Decision, vol. 40, nº 8, pp. 745-754, 2002.
“Cooperative Agreements in Spain after its Integration into the European
European Business Review, 99 (2), pp. 105-114, 1999.
“Distinctive Features of Domestic and International Joint Ventures” (with Ana Valdés Llaneza)
Management International Review, vol 38 (1), pp. 49-66,
“Contractual Form in Domestic and International Strategic Alliances”
Organization Studies, vol. 17 (5), pp. 773-794, 1996.