
Fernando Rubiera Morollón es autor de 77 artículos en revistas científicas con evaluación en el ámbito de la Economía Urbana y Regional y/o la Geografía Económica, 49 de ellos se han publicado revistas indexadas en listados internacionales (SSCI-JCR y/o SCOPUS-SJR). Ha realizado otras 25 publicaciones entre libros (8), capítulos de libro (14) o monografías (3), así como otros 41 textos entre documentos de trabajo (21) y estudios o informes diversos (20). Ha sido miembro del comité editorial de varias revistas científicas, como, entre otras, Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research

Una relación completa de sus publicaciones esta disponible en la web de Google Academics (pulsar aquí para enlazar) o en Research Gate (pulsar aquí para enlazar)

A continuación se recoge una selección de las publicaciones científicas internacionales más relevantes y/o recientes:

  • Rubiera, F., Fernández, T. (2023): “Spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of European Research and Development funds and its effects on territorial cohesion”, Investigaciones Regionales, 56. DOI: htps:/ 
  • Fernández, T., Liern, V., Pérez, B., Rubiera, F. (2022) “Measuring the territorial effort in research, development and innovation from a multiple criteria approach: application to the Spanish regions case”, Technology in Society, 70. DOI: 
  • Díaz. A., Grecco, T., Rubiera, F. (2022) “From the local economy to the global market: municipal level spatial economic modeling of international trade for Brazil”, International Regional Science Review, 45 (3). DOI:
  • Plotnikova, M., Gutiérrez, D., Rubiera, F. (2021) “The grass is greener on the other side’: the relationship between the Brexit referendum results and spatial inequalities at the local level”, Papers of Regional Science, 100 (6). DOI:  
  • Langarita, R., Cartone, A., Rubiera, F. (2021) “Where the city lights shine? Measuring the effect of sprawl on electricity consumption in Spain”, Land Use Policy, 105. DOI:
  • Liern, V., Pérez, B., Rubiera, F. (2021) “Residential choice from a multiple criteria sustainable perspective”. Annals of Operational Research. DOI:
  • Prudencio, J., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2021) “Productivity and agglomeration economies in the manufacturing of the metropolitan area of Mexico”, Regional Research, Police and Practice. DOI:
  • Fernández, E., Díaz, A., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2020) “Spatial disaggregation of social indicators: an info-metrics approach”, Social Indicators Research. DOI: 
  • Ortega, M., Rubiera, F., Pérez, B. (2020) “Ranking residential locations based on neighborhood sustainability and family profile”, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28 (1). DOI:
  • Gutíérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2019) “Determinants of immigrants’ concentration at local level in Spain: why size and position still matter”, Population, Space and Place, 25 (7). DOI:
  • Varela, L., Rubiera, F., Sdrakyan, G. (2019) “Urban sprawl and local fiscal burden: analysing the Spanish case”, Empirica: Journal of European Economics, 46: 177-203. DOI: 
  • Garduño, R. Díaz, A., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2019) “Economic integration and regional convergence: effects of NAFTA on local convergence in Mexico, 1980-2008”, Applied Economics, 51 (50): 5515-5527. DOI:
  • Lasarte, E., Rubiera, F., Fernández, E. (2019) “Does the urban population pay more for food? Implications in terms of poverty”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 12 (3): 547-566. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Rubiera, F., Paredes, D. (2019) “New approach to economic convergence in the EU: A multilevel analysis from the spatial effects perspective”, International Regional Science Review, 42 (3/4): 335-367. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2018): “Labor density and wages in Spain: evidence from geographically disaggregated data”,Growth and Change, 49 (1): 55-70. DOI:
  • Lasarte, E., Moreno, B., Rubiera, F. (2018) “Energy consumption and urban sprawl: evidence for teh spanish case”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 3479-3486. DOI:
  • Gutíérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2018) “Ageing places in an ageing country: the local dynamics of elderly population in Spain”, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 109 (3): 332-349. DOI:
  • Gutíérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2017) “The determinants of local employment growth in Spain”, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 11 (3): 511-533. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Rubiera, F., Paredes, D. (2017) “Are there different local patterns of convergence concealed beneath the regional level? An analysis for US states and counties using a multilevel approach”, The Annals of Regional Science, 58 (3), 623-630. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Rubiera, F., Pires, M., Gomes, A. (2017) “Convergence in Brazil: new evidence using multilevel approach”, Applied Economics, 49 (50), 5050-5062. DOI: 
  • Lasarte, E., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2017) “Higher cost of living in larger urban areas? An AIDS based analysis for food in Spain”, Regional Studies, 51 (11), 1665-1677. DOI:
  • Rubiera, F., Marroquin, V.M., Rivero, J.L. (2017) “Urban sprawl in Madrid? An analysis of the urban growth of Madrid during the last quarter of the XX century”, Letters in Spatial and Resources and Sciences, 10 (2), 205-214. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2016) “The role of spatial scale in regional convergence: the effect of MAUP in the estimation of β-convergence equations”, The Annals of Regional Science, 56 (2), 473-489. DOI:
  • Díaz, A., Garduño, R., Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (2016) “Does trade imply convergence? Analyzing the effect of NAFTA on the local convergence in Mexico”, Trimestre Económico, 333, 103-120. DOI:
  • Gutiérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2016) “Heterogeneity in the determinants of the population growth at the local level. Analysis of the Spanish case with GWR approach”, International Regional Science Review, 40 (3), 211-240. DOI:
  • Rubiera, F., González. V., Rivero, J.L. (2016) “Urban sprawl in Spain: differences among cities and causes”, European Planning Studies, 24 (1), 204-226. DOI:
  • Lemelin, A., Rubiera, F., Gómez, A. (2016) “Measuring urban agglomeration: a refoundation of de mean city-population size”, Social Indicators Research, 125 (2), 589-612. DOI:
  • Rubiera, F., del Rosal, I., Díaz, A. (2015) “Can large cities explain the aggregate movements of the economies? Testing the granular hypothesis for US counties”, Letters in Spatial and Resources Sciences, 8 (2), 119-128. DOI:
  • Viñuela, A., Rubiera, F., Fernández, E. (2014) “Applying Economic-based Analytical Regions: a study of the spatial distribution of employment in Spain”, The Annals of Regional Science, 52 (1), 87-102. DOI:
  • Fernandez, E., Rubiera, F. (2013) “Estimating regional variations of R&D: effects on productivity growth by entropy econometrics”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 8 (1), 54-70. DOI: 
  • Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2013) “From local units to economic regions in Spain: where the agglomerations economies are meaningful”; Fernández, E., Rubiera, F. (Eds.) Defining the spatial scale in modern regional analysis: new challenges from data at local level. Springer. 
  • Viñuela, A., Rubiera, F., Cueto, B. (2010) "An analysis of urban size and territorial location effects on employment probabilities: the Spanish case", Growth and Change, 41 (4), pp. 495-519. DOI:
  • Polèse, M., Rubiera, F., Shearmur, R. (2007) “Observing regularities in location patterns: an analysis of the spatial distribution of economic activity in Spain”, European Urban & Regional Studies, 14 (2), pp. 157-180. DOI:
  • Pardos, E., Gómez, A., Rubiera, F. (2007) “Do versus buy decision in the demand for the knowledge intensive business services”, The Services Industries Journal, 27 (3), pp. 223-249. DOI: