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ARLinde LNE 24Ana Rosa Linde, profesora de Ecotoxicología del MBEH, entrevistada en La Nueva España.

Ana Rosa Linde, profesora del MBEH, e investigadora y profesora de Salud Ambiental y Global en Brasil, afirma en su entrevista para la Nueva España que el aumento de las temperaturas contribuye a la expansión por Europa de insectos transmisores de graves enfermedades que asolan ahora otros continentes.

Enlace a la entrevista completa. 


dia mundial del medio ambiente en espana logo 600x400About MBEH

The Master in Biotechnology of Environment and Health (Máster Universitario en Biotecnología del Medio Ambiente y la Salud – MBEH) is a multidisciplinary proposal destined to broaden knowledge in the biotechnological applications related to the environment and health. In particular, the MBEH concentrates on the study of the effects of environmental changes on health, a powerful subdiscipline of the newly arisen subject called environmental health.
The study program has been designed to give to the students solid knowledge in the basic scientific and technical principles of biotechnology applied to the analysis of the chemical and biological risks that affect the environment and health. The early detection, the prevention and the evaluation of risks, together with the use of modern biotechnological techniques for the preservation of the environment and health, make up the core of the masters.
The course also includes instruction in management and marketing of biotechnology, on intellectual and industrial property, environmental laws, as well as professional skills and ethical principles with regard to biotechnological activities.
The course will be mainly in English with some relevant parts in Spanish. The complete Master´s program is organised in two years for those students who are interested in obtaining a doctorate degree and for those who wish to follow a professional career with a biotechnological profile.

Graduates in Biotechnology or in related disciplines such as Biology, Chemistry, Chemical engineering, Pharmacy and Medicine, amongst others, who wish to acquire training as professionals in the field of Biotechnology, or who are interested in continuing their education in a doctorate program (the first year is enough in the later case for Spanish licenciados).
Professionals from different fields interested in widening their knowledge about biotechnological applications related to the environment and health.

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