
SERIDASERIDA: (Regional Service for Agro- food Research and Development) is a public organization of the Asturias Principality aiming to contribute to the modernization and improvement of the regional agro-food system, through the promotion of Research and technological development, in order to improve the productivity and diversification of the sector and to raise the income of the primary actives.

logo taxusTAXUS MEDIO AMBIENTE ®, was established in 2003 with the aim of satisfying the demand for environmental consulting services from those companies, entities and individuals concerned with advancing towards sustainable development.

Rigor, independence and continuous improvement have led us to become a benchmark in our field thanks to the quality and innovation of our work, exceeding the expectations of our clients, and reinforcing their confidence day by day.

oviedo emprendeOviedo Emprende is an initiative of the City of Oviedo through which develops and encourages entrepreneurship to adapt to current needs and new business models based on the intensive use of information technology and communication and innovation , based on a new model of accompaniment to entrepreneurs, customized itineraries of business advice and under the principles of collaboration and cooperation of the economic and social agents of the territory, involved in its development.
SPAIN EDUCATION PROGRAMSSEP acts as a consultant identifying and formalizing productive partnerships with Spanish institutions of higher education, while advocating to eradicate barriers, increase opportunities and improve outcomes through informed decision-making 
ASINCAR: Private enterprise officially recognized as Technological Center. R+D+i projects related to food biotechnnology and safety.   
biosferaBIOSFERA: Environmental consulting agency for technical and scientific advise in environmental projects. 

logo dropsens cabeceraDROPSENS S.L.: 
Innovative Technology-Based Firm specialized in the design and manufacture of instruments for Electrochemistry Research. 
HEALTHSENSHEALTHSENS: Spanish spin-off specialliced in fast detection and diagnosis of prevalent diseases.
oquendoFAST EUROCAFÉ: Coffe manufacturer established in 1984. Certified company by ISO 9001, I.F.S (International Food Standard) recognised by BID (Business Iniative Directions). Summit Award 2001, Superior Taste Award 2006 and International Food and Beverage Award 2006. Spain  Producto del Año Award 2005 due to Cofibox.
MADERAS SIERO S.A.: This company along with SIERO LAM, S.A. forms SIERO GROUP, which operates in the wood sector. Established in 1982 and exclusively dedicated to the primary processing of wood: logging, sawmilling, wood drying and marketing of both domestic and import. It specializes in chestnut wood, a native tree species that is exploited sustainably. 
SIERO LAM S.A: Created in the year 1994, for the production of second transformation: glued solid wood products. Siero Lam represents a forward vertical integration by the group Siero, which allows optimizing the use of chestnut wood. 
bfcGRUPO BFC: Private company set up in 2003 to provide technological and management services, and which structures and guides innovative solutions in biogas production and new applications, as well as greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
hafs aae04cHAFS:  Spanish capital corporate group with a large experience and Know-How in International Business among Europe, Middle East and Latin America.
tu transformas
TU TRANSFORMAS: Sourcing and development of renewable energies, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction and sustainable development projects.
efictaliaEFICTALIA: Specialiced in efficiency and energy saving. The compañy offers consulting, managing and training services for industrial, building and services companies.
logo NeoalgaeNEOALGAE: A technological company with headquarters in Asturias, a high profile entrepreneur, who develops its activities in the field of biotechnology of microalgae. 
logo FIOFIO (Eye Research Foundation): The Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica (FIO) intends to make progress towards understanding the origins of the diseases that cause blindness and visual disturbances in order to achieve new prevention, diagnostic and medical or surgical treatment measures. 
INCAR 1INCAR: Research institute mainly focussed on development of carbon and inorganic materials for structural, energetic and environmental applications, and coal conversion and clean technologies. 
ing ASESORESINGENIEROS ASESORES, S.A.: Provides environmental services to companies and Insititutions from the design of environmental strategies to the measurement of contaminant parameters.
fiv4-clinica-reproduccion-asistida-oviedo-gijon-asturiasFIV4(Human reproduction institute): Human reproduction treatments and search for new approaches to avoid adverse effects.
ITMAITMA (Asturian Materials Technology Centre) aims to promote all the activities in terms of technological development and scientific research required by our customers. Since our first steps in 1991, we have contributed to the drive and development of the business fabric through technology applied to materials, as a strategic tool to improve competitiveness, implementing the following activities: Research and development projects related to materials, products and processes. New technology-based products and processes, contributing to the establishment of new economic and business activity areas. Laboratory and compliance assessment technology service, focusing on the quality and independence of the service, its economic feasibility and ensuring access to them by companies in the best conditions.
cinnCINN: The Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Research Center (CINN) is a joint research center established in 2007 by institutional initiative of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Government of the Principality of Asturias and the University of Oviedo.These three institutions contribute to the CINN with funding as well as scientific facilities and staff. The CINN combines a high-quality and internationally competitive interdisciplinary research with scientific and technological demonstration activities and has among its objectives the creation of new technology-based companies.
huca-logoHUCA: El Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), is the reference hospital of the Principality of Asturias Health Services (SESPA). 
IPLAIPLA: Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (IPLA) (CSIC). Generarion of new knowledge through scientific reseach in sairy products science and technology in order to improve consumer health and wellfare. 
CEEICEEI: The CENTRO EUROPEO DE EMPRESAS E INNOVACIÓN DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS (BIC Asturias), was founded on 30 May 1994 as a not-for-profit association, after signing an agreement between the then Instituto de Fomento Regional (Institute of Regional Development), now known as the Economic Development Agency of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA), and the Directorate General of Regional Policies (D.G.XVI) of the European Commission, with the support of a group of various organisations and institutions involved in the economic development of our region.
nanovexNanovex Biotechnologies SL provides services linked to the design and development of several nanomaterials such as nanovesicles and metallic nanoparticles, as well as their surface modification or functionalization with biomaterials (e. g. antibodies, biotin, avidin). Nanovesicles allow the encapsulation of a wide variety of compounds (antibiotics, proteins, antioxidants, etc.), providing several benefits as protection of the compound, increase of bioavailability, mask undesired tastes, controlled release, target delivery, etc
innvelINNVEL is a Scientific-Technological Services and Project Management consultancy firm that was established as a spin-off of the Project Engineering research group at the University of Oviedo and is based on the research and managerial experience of two of the professors. It specialises in providing scientific knowledge for the design and development of proprietary R&D+i projects or projects in collaboration with third-party businesses, NGOs, and the public administrations.
DEXDEX group (Strategy Development Affairs, SA) are a consultant internationally dedicated to providing expertise on European affairs, strategic planning, innovation, local development and advice on economic and institutional businesses and public administration, international relations services.

Flexible and highly competitive structure, we have a multidisciplinary team of experts with experience in Economics, Law and International Relations, Engineering and deep knowledge of the activity of the European Union and its aid programs.

ConsulminaConsulnima S.L. is a Spanish firm specializing in environmental engineering and consultancy. Experience and rigor at work are the best guarantees for our clients, who continue to entrust us with large projects. 

BioquochemBioquochem SL. was born in 2015 in Oviedo (Asturias ), as a totally innovative idea, creating a new business concept , which allows to reach the industry and research all the support required for parameter determining antioxidant capacity , by marketing chemical kits and equipment for direct measurement of this parameter by electrochemical methods , which reduces analysis times , reduce costs and obtain repeatability and accuracy in measurements.

Alce calidadALCE CALIDAD performs microbiological and physicochemical analyzes in milk, dairy products, potable water, cider, meat and all types of food, using our laboratory accredited by the international standard ISO 17025.
The services offered by ALCE CALIDAD go beyond food analysis; The wide knowledge of the sector, allows to offer a global and specialized advice to each need (design and implementation of systems A.P.P.C.C., ISO 22000, BRC, IFS, sanitary and sanitary audits, etc ...). Likewise, the needs raised by the clients have driven the development of new analytical activities in soil or the creation of a Department of Hygiene and Environmental Health that includes the services of Pest Control (DDD), Control and Prevention of Legionellosis. Finally, ALCE CALIDAD develops an intense training activity in the sector, with a wide range of specialized courses (microbiological laboratory analyst, training of manipulators, etc.) and conferences related to the improvement of agri-food products.

IEOThe Oceanographic Centre of Gijón/Xixón is one of the eight centres that constitute the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). The IEO is a public organization belonging to the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Its purpose is to provide research within oceanography, marine ecology, and aquaculture, as well as advice to the Spanish government on its oceanographic and fishing policies. Read more about the IEO’s mission and activity here.
In the Oceanographic Center of Gijón/Xixón we carry out multidisciplinary research in marine systems with three main research lines: ocean circulation and hydrographical variability, benthic ecology, and plankton ecology and pelagic ecosystem dynamics.

asturbiotechlogoAsturbiotech. This company was born from the hand of the Veterinary Technical Service of the Cooperativa de Agricultores de Gijón, which has been a pioneer in reproductive technologies and will be in charge of carrying out the field work, corresponding to the oocyte obtaining works, such as the implementation of the embryos, thus complementing the MOET technique of conventional embryos that it currently performs. AsturBiotech is committed to the service to the livestock industry through the constant development of new ideas and techniques that can benefit farmers, having established a collaboration network with both public and private research centers.

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