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Universidad de Oviedo

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Martin F, Alcorta E.
Measuring activity in olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila: Focus on spike amplitude.
J Insect Physiol. 2016 Dec;95:23-41.
Boto T, Alcorta E.
Toward identifying specific roles for G-protein ß and γ subunit variants in olfactory reception.
Front Cell Neurosci. 2013 Jul 17;7:114.
Martin F, Boto T, Gomez-Diaz C, Alcorta E.
Elements of olfactory reception in adult Drosophila melanogaster.
Anat. Rec. 2013 Sep;296(9):1477-88.
Riveron J, Boto T, Alcorta E.
Transcriptional basis of the acclimation to high environmental temperature at the olfactory receptor organs of Drosophila melanogaster.
BMC Genomics. 2013 Apr 17;14(1):259.
Martin F, Alcorta E.
Regulation of olfactory transduction in the orco channel.
Front Cell Neurosci. 2011;5:21.
Martin F, Riveron J, Alcorta E.
Environmental temperature modulates olfactory reception in Drosophila melanogaster.
J Insect Physiol. 2011 Dec;57(12):1631-42.
Boto T, Gomez-Diaz C, Alcorta E.
Expression Analysis of the 3 G-Protein Subunits, G{alpha}, G{beta}, and G{gamma}, in the Olfactory Receptor Organs of Adult Drosophila melanogaster.
Chem Senses. 2010 Mar;35(3):183-93.
Riveron J, Boto T, Alcorta E
The effect of environmental temperature on olfactory perception in Drosophila melanogaster.
J. Insect Physiol. 2009 Oct;55(10):943-51.
Gomez-Diaz C, Alcorta E.
Quantitative analysis of antennal mosaic generation in Drosophila melanogaster by the MARCM system.
Genesis. 2008 Jun;46(6):283-8.
Martin F, Kim MS, Gomez-Diaz C, Hovemann B, Alcorta E.
High efficiency of a double-screening method on single P-element insertion lines to identify quantitative trait mutants in Drosophila melanogaster.
Genetica. 2006 Sep-Nov;128(1-3):359-72.
Gomez-Diaz C, Martin F, Alcorta E.
The Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate kinase1 gene affects olfactory reception in Drosophila melanogaster.
Behav Genet. 2006 Mar;36(2):309-21.
E. Alcorta, F. Martin, J. Riveron, T. Boto y C. Gomez-Diaz
La percepción olfatoria: contribución de la información periférica y cambios asociados a un entorno dinámico.
En: “La olfacción en Espańa” (Alonso J.R., de Castro F. y López-Mascaraque L., eds.). S.B.I., S.L, Salamanca. 2006, pp: 35-55.
Alvarez-Lopez C, Cernuda-Cernuda R, Alcorta E, Alvarez-Viejo M, Garcia-Fernandez JM.
Altered endogenous activation of CREB in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of mice with retinal degeneration.
Brain Res. 2004 Oct 22;1024(1-2):137-45.
Gomez-Diaz C, Martin F, Alcorta E.
The cAMP transduction cascade mediates olfactory reception in Drosophila melanogaster.
Behav Genet. 2004 Jul;34(4):395-406.
Martin F, Kim MS, Hovemann B, Alcorta E.
Factor analysis of olfactory responses in Drosophila melanogaster enhancer-trap lines as a method for ascertaining common reception components for different odorants.
Behav Genet. 2002 Jan;32(1):79-88.
Martin F, Charro MJ, Alcorta E.
Mutations affecting the cAMP transduction pathway modify olfaction in Drosophila.
J Comp Physiol [A]. 2001 Jun;187(5):359-70.
Charro MJ, Alcorta E.
Quantifying relative importance of maxillary palp information on the olfactory behavior of Drosophila melanogaster.
J Comp Physiol [A]. 1994 Dec;175(6):761-6.
Woodard C, Alcorta E, Carlson J.
The rdgB gene of Drosophila: a link between vision and olfaction.
J Neurogenet. 1992 Feb;8(1):17-31.
Alcorta E.
Characterization of the electroantennogram in Drosophila melanogaster and its use for identifying olfactory capture and transduction mutants.
J Neurophysiol. 1991 Mar;65(3):702-14.
Alcorta E, Rubio J.
Intrapopulational variation of olfactory responses in Drosophila melanogaster.
Behav Genet. 1989 Mar;19(2):285-99.
Alcorta E, Rubio J.
Genetical analysis of intrapopulational variation in olfactory response in Drosophila melanogaster.
Heredity. 1988 Feb;60 ( Pt 1):7-14.

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