
Early Bird Registration is closed.

Regular Registration is closed.

You can register at the conference using this link.

Interesting offers for accommodation can be found in the ACCOMMODATION section or use this link.

OPTIONS Early Bird Registration (before November 20) Regular Registration (closes on December 4)
Regular inscription
(Conference only)
300 360
Student inscription (1)
(Conference only)
100 110
One-day inscription
(Conference & One day SmartMile Conference menu)
168 218
Gala Dinner (4)
(One ticket)
50 50
SmartMile Conference menu (2)
(tickets for 3 days)
54 54
OPTIONAL PROGRAM (3) Afternoon Friday 13
Gijón Touristic Tour
Visit to Normalux facilities (only 50 places)

All prices are in € (euros)

(1) Student Partnership Program offer grants for students participating in the conference with works for the oral/poster sessions or collaborating with the conference organization.

Students interested in the Students Partnership Program, please contact with professor Manuel Rico-Secades ( ) before registration.

(2) SmartMILE Conference Menu is offered in collaboration with ABBA hotel.

Menu consists of a starter to choose between two options, a second main course also choose from two options, dessert and drink included.

(3) Optional Program is free for all registered SmartMILE 2013 Conference & Exhibition participants.
Visit to NORMALUX facilities is limited to 50 placed in strict registration order.
To simplify the optional program organization please indicate your interest in participating and select from one of the two options.

(4) The GALA DINNER is an optional social event and it is not included in the Regular Inscription for the SmartMILE 2013 Conference & Exhibition .

The participation in this optional social event is limited to 100 seats in strict registration order.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Place: Llagar Lavandera (Casa TRABANCO) ( link)


20:00 - 20:30 Bus service from ABBA hotel to "Casa TRABANCO"

20:30 - 21:00 Guided visit to old "llagar TRABANCO" (known as "casa Alicia").English Guide.


23:30 - 24:00 Bus service from "Casa TRABANCO" to ABBA hotel

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