For Students
A reduced student fee to participate in the conference (100 €) is available.
In addition, through a Students Partnership Program the sponsors of the conference
organization are offering scholarships involving a number
students at the conference depending on the partner availability.
We encourages students (Bachelor, Master or PhD level) to participate in the
conference with the presentation of papers and technical studies.
A special call is done to participants in the Workroom on
Renewable Energy of the EPI-GIJON in order to present works and new ideas.
Conference organization
looks to promote the participation of students in the Poster
Sessions and introduce them to the presentation of papers at
international conferences and published in scientific journals.
It is a condition of obtaining a grant, in the Students Partnership Program , participate in the conference work, at least in the Poster Session level.
The organization of the conference would like to recognize the participation of IEEE student Branch of the University of Oviedo in order to promote and to encourage student participation in the poster sessions.
Poster Session
Chairman: Dr Jesús Cardesín (EPI-SPAIN)
Co-chairman: Eng. Pablo Quintana (EPI-SPAIN)
Information for Poster Exhibitors
The Poster Exhibition Area is open during ALL DAYS of the Conference although Poster Session is scheduled Thursday 12 of December from 16:30 to 18:00.
The Poster Exhibition Area is located on the same room of Exhibition Hall (Asturias room).
There are 20 two-sides-poster boards (40 posters max.). A poster number will be assigned to each poster. This number will appear in the program.
Authors will stand by their posters during Poster Session (Thursday 12 of December from 16:00 to 18:00) to answer questions and provide further information on their study results.
Authors are responsible for mounting and removing their posters.
Poster Exhibition Area is available during all days of the Conference and then posters can be mounted first day of the Conference (Wednesday 11, 2013) and removed at the end of the Conference (afternoon of the Friday 13, 2013).
Afternoon of the Friday 13 is an OPEN HOUSE period with free access to the Exhibition Hall and Posters mounted in Asturias room.
The poster exhibition staff will remove and dispose of posters that are not taken down. The staff assumes no responsibility for material left behind.
Posters should be laid out in portrait style.
The poster board surface is 122 cm wide and 244 cm high. (Size A0 is a good option 1189 mm x 841 mm)
It is not possible to use thumbtacks or adhesive tape to mountain the poster on the poster board.
For legibility, we recommend the poster be no more than 150 cm high (Size A0 is a good option 1189 mm x 841 mm).
The poster number will be displayed on the top of the poster board.
Mounting materials will be available at the Poster Helpdesk.
Here are some hints that may be helpful for the preparation of your poster:
- Your poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and be easy to comprehend.
- Make sure that the specific sections: background, methods, results and conclusions) are easy to locate.
- Avoid large blocks of text and long sentences.
- Make sure that the type/font size is large enough to be read at a distance of 1.5 meters (five feet). The smallest type should at least be 18 pts for text and 36 pts for headings.
- Supporting images (graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs…) can be very helpful and are often necessary to display results. Make sure that the images are easy to understand, and not overloaded with information.
- Good contrast between the color of the type and the poster's background is necessary for good visualization.
A poster structure is suggested: