Curriculum vitae
Date and place of Birth:
24. December 1956, Torgau (Germany)
Academic Degrees:
Doctor (Phd) in Sociology and Political Sciences, graduated Economist
Current Position:
Professor, Chair of Sociology, Department of Applied Economy, University of Oviedo (Spain) (since 1998)
Selection of former positions/activities:
Teaching and research activities in the German Universities of Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Bochum, Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Spanish Universities of Barcelona and Oviedo.
Consulting and monitoring for the Hans-Böckler Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the training institutes of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the Spanish UGT and the basque ELA-STV.
Professional activities in the public services of the German Land Hessen, the Confederation of the German Adult Education Association, the Lufthansa Service GmbH, translations for different publishers,
teaching activities in several trade union institutions and professional training institutions.
Practical stays in the Kibbutz Sde Nehemia, Israel (1980); the German Trade Union School for the youth in Oberusel (1984); the Training Centre of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) in
Hattingen (1986); the Training and Documentation Centre of the Basque Confederation of Trade Unions ELA-STV in Bilbao (1989); the Training Centre of the Spanish Socialist Confederation of Trade Unions
UGT in Madrid (1990); and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bonn, Department of Cooperation with Latinamerica (1992)
Membership of professional bodies:
European Works Councils Network: A European Network of experts on industrial relations in Europe with a particular focus
on the experiences of EWCs and Special Negotiation Bodies (SNBs) with partners in 10EU and canditate countries,
coordinated by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI).
Eurexcter (Excellence Territoriale en Europe): A cooperation network on quality of living conditions and local development, backed
by the European Centre of Entreprises with Public Participation (CEEP) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
with partners in France, Germany, Spain, Ireland and Italy.
GERPISA (Groupe D'Etude et de Recherche Permanent sur l'Industrie et les Salaries de l'Automobile/
Group for the Study of the Automobile Industry and its Employees)
International Institute for Selfmanagement (IIS): An international research group, co-ordinated by the University of Maine (USA)
with academic and co-operative members all over the world