Selected publications
Challenges for the Spanish trade unions (with José Pablo Calleja Jiménez), in TRANSFER, nº 4/2010
From the marriage in heaven to the divorce on earth. The DaimlerChrysler trajectory since the merger, in Michel Freyssenet (ed.), The second automobile revolution. Trajectories of the world carmakers in the 21st century, Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan 2009
European Works Councils in Spain (with Sergio González Begega), in Hertwig, Markus/Pries, Ludger/Rampeltshammer, Luitpold (eds.), EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCILS IN COMPLEMENTARY PERSPECTIVES, Brussels: ETUI 2009
Profit and innovation strategies in low-tech firms, en ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA, vol. 26 (3), 2008.
Still learning from Europe: Spanish participation in European Works Councils (with Sergio González Begega), in Whittall, M./Knudsen, H./Huijgen, F. (eds.), TOWARDS A EUROPEAN LABOUR IDENTITY. THE CASE OF THE EUROPEAN WORK COUNCIL, Londres/N.Y: Routledge, 2007
Consequences of Enlargement for the Old Periphery of Europe: Observations from the Spanish Experience with European Works Councils (with Sergio González Begega), in Leisink, P./Steijn, B./Veersma, U. (eds.), INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN THE NEW EUROPE, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007
Organisational learning: Knowledge management and training in low-tech and medium low-tech companies, (with Klaus Schmierl), in PERSPECTIVES ON ECONOMIC POLITICAL AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION. JOURNAL FOR MENTAL CHANGES. SPECIAL EDITION: NON-RESEARCH-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY, vol. XI, nº. 1-2, 2005
Trans-National Companies and the «new» industrial relations. A vehicle to re-think the regulatory boundaries of the nation-state, in International Journal of Organizations RIO, nº 4/2010 Prof. Holm-Detlev Köhler
"Transformations in Spanish trade union membership“, in INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, vol. 43 (3) 2012, p. 281-292
The relationship between income concentration and demand structure. The case of automobile demand in Spain, Atlantic Review of Economics, 2nd volume 2012
Employment relations in an era of change, ETUI book, ed. with Valeria Pulignano and Paul Stewart
Country study Spain. In R. Hoffmann and M. Meinardus (eds.), Trade Unions and Right-Wing Populism in Europe, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn 2023