“The impact of structural change and perspectives of regional policies in old industrial regions in decline: Asturias”, Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover/Germany (1993-1996), University of Bochum
“New production systems and human resource management strategies”, Asturian Foundation for Research and Applied Technology (FICYT), (1995 - 1996)
“The globalisation of the German automobile companies”, German Research Foundation (DFG), Institute of Sociology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (1997 – 1999)
"Impact of the industrial transformation policies in the Spanish coal mining areas and the elaboration of a indicator map", Centre for Cooperation and Territorial Development (CeCODET) of the University of Oviedo, Programme for Support of Technical Research (PROFIT) of the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry, (2002)
"Knowledge society and new models of work organisation ", Spanish Science and Technology Ministry, (2002 - 2005)
"Policy and Innovation in Low-tech (PILOT) – Knowledge Formation, Employment and Growth Contributions of the “Old Economy” Industries in Europe" 5th EU Framework Programme, coordinated by the University of Dortmund/Germany (2002 - 2005) (
“The situation of the youth in the Asturian coal mining areas”, Youth Council of the Principality of Asturias (2004 - 2005)
“Comparative study of the implementation of the «Arco Plan» in four Arcelor Group plants”, University of Oviedo Foundation and City Council of Gijón (2005 - 2006) (Research Price of the Principality of Asturias 2007)
“Working poor: employment, households and policies” National Plan of Research, Development and Innovation of the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry (2005-2008)
“The European Works Council: A transnacional organization?”, German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) (2007 - 2009), coordinated by the Universidad of Bochum/Germany (
“Industrial relations in the Automotive sector: how can social dialogue assist a sector in crisis”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (2009-2010)
“Social Dialogue and Recession in the Banking Sector”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (2010-2011)
“Strategies of Trade Union Revitalisation in Spain” Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (2010 - 2012)
“Work and Employment Relations in Multinational Companies in the European Grocery Retail Sector– Discounters and Hypermarkets”, Universities of Surrey/UK and Galway/Ireland in cooperation with the Hans Boeckler Foundation/Germany (2010 - 2012)
Workplace democracy: a European ideal? : discourses and practices about the democratization of work after 1945. A project funded by the ANR and DFG (2021-2024)
Gewerkschaften und Rechtspopulismus in Europa A project funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (2022)