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“Healthy and safe workplaces increase staff motivation and commitment. A good health and safety record is also a great business card for your company, which can help you attract new talent, clients and investors… The good news is that managing OSH does not have to be complex! Simple measures can often greatly improve health and safety at work. Moreover, often you do not even need any special expertise to be able to identify potential risks and decide how to address them. Common sense is usually enough”
Marianne Thyssen European Commissioner for Employment, Social affairs, Skills and Labour mobility (2014-2019) [1]
[1] Health and safety at work is everybody’s business. Practical guidance for employers. European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit B.3 Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016 ISBN: 978-92-79-64587-7 - doi:10.2767/721956 © European Union,