2.1. Health and Safety in the Workplace in the EU.
Article 153 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union[1] gives the EU the authority to adopt directives in the field of safety and health at work.
The Framework Directive, with its wide scope of application, and further directives focusing on specific aspects of safety and health at work are the fundamentals of European safety and health legislation.
Member States are free to adopt stricter rules for the protection of workers when transposing EU directives into national law. Therefore, legislative requirements in the field of safety and health at work can vary across EU Member States.[2]
Imagen 7:
The European Framework Directive[3] on Safety and Health at Work (Directive 89/391 EEC) adopted in 1989 was a substantial milestone in improving safety and health at work. It guarantees minimum safety and health requirements throughout Europe while Member States are allowed to maintain or establish more strict measures.[4]
In addition to the Framework Directive, a series of individual directives focusing on specific aspects of safety and health at work were adopted. Where individual directives contain more strict and specific provisions, these special provisions prevail. Individual directives tailor[5] the principles of the Framework Directive to:
- Specific tasks (e.g., manual handling of loads)
- Specific hazards at work (e.g., exposure to dangerous substances or physical agents)
- Specific workplaces and sectors (e.g., temporary work sites, extractive industries, fishing vessels)
- Specific groups of workers (e.g., pregnant women, young workers, workers with a fixed duration employment contract)
- Certain work-related aspects (e.g., organisation of working time)
The individual directives define how to assess[6] these risks and, in some instances, set limit values for certain substances or agents.
Please, take a peek and look for the Directive regulating Health and Safety signs in the workplace.
Image 8:
Visit the European Agency for Health and Safety in the workplace:
Do you know where is located this European Agency? Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels or Bilbao?
[1] El Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea (TFUE), que deriva del Tratado de Lisboa, se elaboró a partir del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea (TCE o Tratado CE), según establece el Tratado de Maastricht. El propio Tratado CE se basó en el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea (TCEE), firmado en Roma el 25 de marzo de 1957. La creación de la Unión Europea (UE) por medio del Tratado de Maastricht (7 de febrero de 1992) marcó un paso más en el camino hacia la unificación política de Europa.
[2] Adaptado de
[3] Directiva marco.
[4] Ha sido traspuesta al ordenamiento jurídico español por la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales.
[5] Conoces el dicho “My tailor is rich”, aquí se traduce como hecho a medida.
[6] False friend, do you guess the meaning?... evaluar